Achieve the ultimate lift with DCM 10 Levels Powder Bleach. Infused with DiaPlex, this dust-free DCM Powder Bleach provides expert protection against persulfate damage while delivering up to 10 levels of superior lift. In-built cool toner ensures a crisp, clean finish for unbeatable lightening. Hair is left healthy, soft and glossy with incredible cool blonde results DCM 10 Levels is ideal for all lightening techniques, including balayage, freehand, and full head lifting.

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  • Return Policy: If You wish to return a Product due to damage, you must inform us immediatley before returning. If you wish to return the products due to wrong product supplied, the product must be as sent from our store. for clarification on any possible returns please contact us before you return the product, all returns are at the cost to you, the customer.